Saturday, November 24, 2012

Moving in!

I have officially moved in!  We spent our first night in the house last night.  It was weird, cool, and a bit scary all at the same time.  I'll give you a recap of what's happened since weekend 2.  (Still no pictures the internet won't download!!!!!  I'm taking them!  I swear!  The good news is that I will have faster internet sometime this week when my internet gets installed at my house!)

Project:  Garbage Disposal Installation
Guest Team Members:  Rick & Bryce Hupe
On Tuesday, my friends Rick, Chris & Bryce Hupe came to assist with the garbage disposal installation that my dad couldn't figure out.  Rick has a background in plumbing so he is a great friend to have!  Rick & Bryce worked away while Chris and I did what we do best:  chit-chat!  The garbage disposal was an easy install (At least I think it was.  There was no cursing so I assume that means it went well.  But maybe the Hupe men don't curse when frustrated....).
Bryce holds a light for Rick

During the installation I commented to Chris that we have been hearing this running water sound and we thought it was coming from the water heater.  Her plumber's wife recommendation was to just turn the TV up louder.  Chris asked Rick about it later and he heard it too.  He immediately determined it was a LEAK IN THE PIPES!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ahhhhhh.  Disaster.  Tragedy.  Panic.

Superhero Rick jumped into action!!!!!!!  Within seconds Rick was opening up my crawl-space to find the leak.  Luckily, the hole was right where the crawl-space opened.  He tried to turn the water off from the inside, but that didn't work.  In a FLASH he was outside opening up the manhole in my front yard and turning off the water!  Crisis temporarily averted.  He said he would be back tomorrow to fix the problem.  Chris assured me that it was not a big deal.  But this was the same person who told me to turn the TV up louder, so I wasn't sure her advice was safe!!  I spent all night imagining a huge hole flooding my entire house. 
Rick turns off the water while Bryce assists with a light.  Chris supervises. 

Project:  Fixing a leaky pipe
Guest Team Superhero Member:  Rick Hupe
On Wednesday Rick and Chris came back.  Rick--superhero of the century--came with all his supplies.  Rick got into the crawl-space and sawed and welded and did whatever he needed to do to fix the hole.  New pipe was installed and he turned the water back on!  There was a little water in the crawl-space but we got the leak early so no damage was done!  Thank the Lord!  (Really I did pray a prayer of thanks!)  I was very thankful for my friends to help me out because the bill was $17.20 and not $100s!  I am paying him in cookies for the next 2 years of my life, but that I can handle.  THANK YOU RICK!!!
Rick is UNDER MY HOUSE!  Fixing.... 

See that tiny black speck at the base of the L?  That was the hole that nearly flooded all of Bryan! 

Project:  MOVE-IN
Guest Team Members:  Uncle Bill, Caleb
Team Members:  Mom, Dad, me
Remember how I said I am all moved-in?  I am.  This means that my room at my parents house is EMPTY except for a shelf of books.  It's eerie.  I have slept, read, ate (oops, not supposed to), did homework, read, played, laughed, and cried in that room for 19 years.  And right now it's empty.  My daybed is at my new house.  My desk is at my new house.  It's weird.  Many of my friends have married and moved into houses and apartments of their own, but few have had to empty out their childhood bedroom.  Trust me folks, it is a bizarre experience.

The move has been slightly hindered by the fact that my parents are falling apart.  My mom's back has been hurting her.  My dad, while getting off of a ladder on Tuesday, stepped off a ladder and heard a snap in his foot.  He is currently in a walking boot and in a lot of pain.  (Note:  This did not stop his Black Friday shopping

My Uncle Bill and cousin Caleb helped get my very heavy dressers and desk down the stairs.  They are such hard workers!  Not a complaint was uttered!  Thanks Uncle Bill & Caleb!

Packing tip for drawers in dressers that do not come out:  Take the contents out by drawer and put in separate box.  Label each box like, Drawer 1:  Sweatpants, Drawer 2:  Underwear, etc.  Even if the box is not full, don't be tempted to put more things in it!!  It will mess you up!

So right now I am organizing and making lots of trips to Walmart for necessary items!  Pictures soon, promise!  (I get my faster internet on Thursday so that should help!)


  1. Oooo I see your cabinets are no longer patriotic! Very nice!

  2. They are coming along!! Do you like the open-concept look that is happening right now? :) It's actually kind of convenient! I know exactly where everything is!
