Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Resolutions

I know some people think that having resolutions is dumb and that "no one ever keeps them."  But I don't think it's dumb.  I think it's very important to set goals for oneself and to reassess them and see how that goal is going.  I consider resolutions to be goals and I like setting goals.

Last year my resolution was to not eat from the school cafeteria.  I accomplished that!  No more unhealthy foods!  It saves me calories and money!

So here are my 2013 resolutions/goals for myself.

2013 Goals & Resolutions
1.  Run a half-marathon.
I am already working on training for this goal.  I don't have a "dream time" either.  I just want to finish.  Who knows, maybe one day I'll run more than 13.1?
2.  Be more positive about my life.  
I know sometimes I can be negative and grouchy.  And I know that that really comes across in my blog at times.  BUT I am making a conscious effort to be more positive.  Positive thoughts.  Positive life.  Each day is precious and a gift and I need to take advantage of that day!  I'm trying!
3.  Go one day a week with NO SWEETS.  
I have the biggest sweet tooth ever.  It's horrible.  It's to the point where I feel like each meal needs to end with something sweet.  I need to get a handle on this.  So this is my attempt....
4.  Work on my abs and legs.  
Last year I worked really hard on my arms and there is still some work to do.  But this year is the year for abs and legs.
5.  Lose 5 pounds.
The vet said that Khloe is just a little overweight and that she needs to lose about 5 pounds.  She will be eating less food, less treats, and more walks.  Maybe I'll lose 5 pounds too!
6.  Pay off my Sears credit card.  
I really try to live debt free but I had to buy a washer and dryer and the only way to do that was to use my Sears credit card.  My goal is to pay it off by May.
7.  Continue to live in and enjoy my home.
There are many projects to do on my house but I want it to be fun and cost-effective!
8.  Try new things.
This is ALWAYS my goal.  Every year, but I like to put it in writing.  I want to try new foods, meet new people, travel to new places, and just have amazing new experiences.

Here's to 2013!  It has to be a wonderful year!

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