Future Projects!

Here is a list of future projects for the house!  Some of these will be FAR FAR in the future.  I am listing them in priority-order, although that may shift slightly!  I am sure I will also add to the list

  1.   Kitchen cabinets-molding added, painted, new knobs/pulls
  2.   Bedroom walls & trim painted
  3.   New lighting in hallway, bedroom, and dining area *The current lighting is VERY dim!  And a bit ugly too...
  4.   New locks and new back garage door.   
  5.   Fans---Though I am not a ceiling fan "fan," I can't afford all new lighting yet.  So we are shifting some of the fans.  The dining fan is being shifted to the guest bedroom.  The guest bedroom fan is being shifted to the exercise/spare room.  That fan is being sold/donated/thrown away.  
  6.   Garbage disposal install
  7.   Garage clean out
  8.   Living/dining room painted along with wooden trim being painted white
  9.   Hallway painted
  10.   New drapes/shades in:  (mom is making these!)
    1. Kitchen
    2. Dining room
    3. Living room
    4. Bedroom
  11.   Purchase washer and dryer  (I dread this....)
  12.   Furniture painted....there are several dressers, but I haven't decided on a color yet.
  13.   Chairs reupholstered by mom
  14.   Bathroom/trim painted
  15.   Cabinets in bathroom painted
  16.   Exercise room/trim painted
  17.   Guest bedroom/trim painted
  18.   Doors painted white to match white trim
Projects WAY in the Future (Adding value to the home)
...Some of these are just dreams...A girl can dream right?
  1.   New carpet in guest bedroom, exercise room, and my bedroom
  2.   New tile/stone/flooring in kitchen, entry way, and area by garage (all matching!)
  3.   Crown molding added
  4.   Landscaping front and back yard
  5.   Privacy fence to replace chain-link fence for backyard
  6.   Cement replaced in driveway
  7.   New roof
  8.   New windows
  9.   New furnace

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